lundi 6 janvier 2014

Guide to enterprise mobile app development and SOA

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More than 60% of workers will use a mobile device to interact with content by 2016, according to Gartner.  As a growing number of people, and their respective organizations, use mobile devices on a regular basis, the need for apps is moving to the top of businesses' priority lists.
Devising and implementing enterprise mobile apps successfully can be easier said than done, however. Determining which mobile development framework should be used is just one of many factors that needs to be taken into account, in addition to things like cost.
This guide showcases use cases, tools and best practices for using SOA as a fundamental architecture to enable mobile computing and integration.


1. Maximizing enterprise mobile apps

When should REST and SOA be used? How can an organization get the most out of its enterprise mobile applications? These are just a couple of common questions that arise when organizations get ready to dig into mobile development.

Read on for advice on how to get the greatest benefits out of enterprise mobile apps.


2. Using Mobile Backend as a Service

Mobile Backend as a Service (MBaaS) uses application program interfaces (APIs) and software developer kits to connect mobile applications to the cloud. MBaaS integrates back-end services through the cloud, whereas traditional mobile middleware integrates through physical, on-premises servers.

Read on to find out how MBaaS is being used for enterprise mobile apps.


3. HTML5 for mobile use

The debate regarding whether to develop enterprise mobile apps using HTML5, native or hybrid continues to rage without a clear end in sight. Experts do, however, seem to agree that in certain situations, one framework may be better than another.

Read how to get expert perspective on the pros and cons of HTML5, native and hybrid tools for enterprise mobile app development.


4. What is going on with mobile apps?

Demand for enterprise mobile apps is on the rise. An increased push for app modernization and Backend as a Service (BaaS) is also trending, according to experts. Staying on top of these movements is key to successfully building and maintaining mobile apps.

The following is a collection of articles highlighting some of the biggest trends taking place with enterprise mobile app development.


5. Mobile trends and BPM uses

What is going to happen with enterprise mobile apps down the road? How can BPM benefit a mobile environment? These are just a couple of common questions developers should ponder.

Check out these videos to learn more about predictions for the technology and how to prepare for what's coming down the pike.


6. Enterprise mobile app development: Key terms

This glossary provides definitions of terms that are commonly used during enterprise mobile app development.

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